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Positioning elements in HyperAST
Because the HyperAST is a Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG), any given sub-tree possibly has multiple global positions. The global position, path, or offset of a subtree is global/contextual information, thus it cannot be stored efficiently on subtrees of a DAG.
You can look at this module as an example of computing global metrics out of local ones.
This module specifically helps with tasks related to positioning nodes globally,
- it helps maintain positional states during traversals
- it helps convert between positional representations
- topological
- path (list of offsets)
- a file path, an offset and a length
- with/out hidden nodes
Incremental position storing
topological index
[topological_offset] - post-order
offsets_and_nodes - list of offsets
collection of path
Optimisation related, sometimes necessary to have acceptable perfs.
- list of paths
- it of paths
- topo ordered list of paths
incremental compute
- reversed dag of paths
mem optimization,
with hidden nodes (spaces, abtract nodes,….)
pub use building::CompoundPositionPreparer;
pub use offsets_and_nodes::*;
- Declares interfaces for position builders, while offering statemachine traits to orchestrate them statisticaly.
- precondition: root node do not contain a File node TODO make whole thing more specific to a path in a tree
- must be in a file