This document describes the architecture of the project. It is suppose to be highly technical and is not meant to be read to use the HyperAST.
Overview of the structure
hyper_ast core crate representing the HyperAST structure
hyper_app graphical interface to interact with the HyperAST (web and native support)
- compute metrics
see also Compute code metrics (GUI)
- code tracking
see also Track code (GUI)
- compute metrics
server Rest API and server to remotely access HyperAST
book your currently reading it!
cvs/git facilities to handle the git control versioning system
gen/tree-sitter/* tree sitter grammars of supported language
- Java
- C++
- Xml use for maven's pom.xml
hyper_diff algorithms to compute AST diffs
egui_addon small addon of functionalities used in hyper_app